

  • Tower console cleaning

  • These services are only available to residents of Kent.

    tower console cleaning

    Maintenance plan

    To ensure that your gaming PC or Worktop PC are working to the best of its ability we recommend regular maintenance checks. 

    We offer a maintenance plan to make it as easy as possible to maintain your PC.

    With our plan you get: 

    • A full cleaning and inspection every 6 months
    • Online Support 
    • Troubleshooting and Basic Repairs 
    • Hardware Testing (Only if part may be faulty)

    The costs are: 

    £8.99 A Month



    To speak to us about a maintenance plan click here


    Unfortunately, there will almost always be something that breaks or goes wrong with your PC, but we are here to help ensure you can get the problem fixed quickly and efficiently so that you can get back to gaming or work!

    Repairs that we have recently helped with:

    Graphics card issues 

    Motherboard failure

    Software issues

    Some tips to try and keep your PC from needing any repairs:

    • Keep it dust-free using compressed air or a vacuum with a soft brush 
    • Temperature - ensure that the unit is kept in a cool dry space so it does not overheat
    • Invest in a good surge protector!
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    Custom-built gaming PCs and Worktop PCs will require upgrades of their components. 

    We can provide the parts for you to upgrade the components yourself but we also offer to complete these upgrades for you. 

    To speak to us about an upgrade or to book an appointment click here

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    PC Cleaning

    Custom-built gaming PCs and Worktop PCs will require upgrades of their components. 

    We can provide the parts for you to upgrade the components yourself but we also offer to complete these upgrades for you. 

    To speak to us about an upgrade or to book an appointment click here

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    These services are remote and are available World Wide.

    Data Recovery

    Custom-built gaming PCs and Worktop PCs will require upgrades of their components. 

    We can provide the parts for you to upgrade the components yourself but we also offer to complete these upgrades for you. 

    To speak to us about an upgrade or to book an appointment click here

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